Monday, July 20, 2015

To the Grandchildren - "Manga Tusen Tak!"

Our trip to Norway was everything we could have wished for, and more.
It started out "First Class" ( thanks to you grandkids!) and never diminished
as each day came and went.

Now it is a dream fulfilled and a memory to cherish.  

                         Standing on my Grandfathers front step
                         Ibestad Norway was awesome!

Sharing the experience with our 5 children was exceptional!

Knowing you were all with us in spirit was heart warming.

So again we want to say "Manga Tusen Tak!" (many thousand thanks) for the gift of First Class which ended up being the whole adventure.

You are "first class" grandchildren and we are very proud and thankful for each and every one of you!

 G'pa Larry & G'ma Connie

1 comment:

  1. So happy your adventure happened and that we could travel alongside you with this blog. Love you!
